
2024-01-20 23:40 来源:网络 点击:




2、景点英文名称:Kunming City Guandu Ancient Town


4、景点英文简称:Guandu Ancient Town




7、景点英文摘要:There is an old saying in Kunming that Guandu has a thousand years of history. Guandu Ancient Town, located at the south of Kunming City and 10km away from the downtown, is a famous historical and cultural town and one of birthplaces of ancient Yunann culture. Guandu has over 10 national, provincial, municipal and regional key cultural relics protection units and over 30 cultural relics and historic sites, among which, the national key cultural relics Jingang Temple (Adamantine Tower) is the most famous.The charm of Guandu Ancient Town is its ancient. In the town, ancient towers, ancient temples, ancient streets, ancient lanes, ancient bridges, ancient wells, ancient trees and ancient dwellings scatted all over like stars in the sky, within less than one square kilometers,five mountains, six temples, seven pavilions and eight temples from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties gather here. Eight sceneries formed the most charming landscapes of the town, separately are the Guandu Yudeng (fishing light), Luofeng Diecui (green mountains), Yuntai Yuezhao (moonlight on peak), Xingpu Muyang (shepherd in apricot orchard), Linyun Yanrao (peak sorrounded by clouds), Diannan Caoping (grass lawn in south Yunnan), Jingang Yeyu (night murmur of Devaraja) and Bixie Cangqiong.Ancient Yunnan has a deep cultural accumulation. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism three teachings are harmonious as one. Its festival fair, religious folklore, festive lantern, song and dance, and Dongjing music has been inherited for thousands of years, as well as distinctive Guandu snacks which have been passed on from generation to generation, all of them make the ancient town a prosperous market town and called as “small Yuannan” since ancient times. The ancient town has newly build 56 quadrangle dwellings, where lofts, memorial gates, corridors and screen walls are will-arranged of antique beauty, which re-appears the layout of streets in Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition, a nationality folk and cultural custom street composed of Yunnan specialty catering, Yunnan custom car, nationality folk arts and crafts, and performance of folk literature and art.Guandu Town is praised as the live town among cities and top ten tourist town in Yuannan Province.


官渡古镇是国家AAAA级景区,全国特色景观旅游名镇.距今已有一千多年的历史。这里既是古滇文化的发祥地之一,也是誉满滇中的古渡口及佛教圣地。不到1 .5平方公里的范围内,就有唐、宋、元、明、清时期的“五山”“六寺” “七阁” “八庙”等多处景观以及上百间保存完好的”一颗印式”民居,古时有“小云南”之称。现有国家、省、市、区级重点文物保护单位10余处,文物古迹30余处,其中尤以国家级重点保护文物金刚塔最为著名。




在新昆明的建设中,官渡古镇独具区位优势,位于主城和呈贡新城的中心圆点,毗邻新建的云南省博物馆、云南大剧院、世纪城、螺蛳湾国际商贸城, 与宝象河隔河相望的是新亚洲体育城和云南文苑;有昆明滇池国际城市湿地公园,宝丰和五甲塘等湿地公园。古镇内新建的56幢四合院,阁楼牌坊、连廊照壁,错落有致,古色古香.重现了古镇明清街道的布局。形成了以滇味为主的特色餐饮、云南风情酒吧客栈、民族民间工艺品、民间文艺及技能展演的民族民俗文化风情街。古镇被誉为是城市中活着的古镇,是云南省的十大旅游名镇。
